
Roads and Buildings


The R&B Division, Khammam was formed during the year 1955 and this department is responsible to execute different works, as detailed below.
»Construction and maintenance of Roads, Bridges, Causeways.» Construction and maintenance of certain public buildings that belongs to the Government of Telangana.

» The Division is headed by Executive Engineer (R&B), with jurisdiction over the entire Division   in administrative matters and  technical matters up to  certain monitory limits.

There are 3 sub-divisions  under the control of  Roads & Buildings Division, Khammam headed by Deputy Executive Engineers respectively  covering the entire division as detailed below:

1) R&B Sub-division, Khammam

2)R&B Sub-division, Madhira

3)R&B Sub-division, Wyra



 Essential functions:  

    The Executive Engineer is the in-charge of the Division and is responsible to the Superintending Engineer for execution and management of all works within his Division.
    •  He is responsible for proper upkeep of Building and works in his Division and to prevent encroachment of Government lands in his Charge.
    •  As soon as the work is finished, the Executive Engineer has to close the accounts and prepare the completion report.
    •  He can accord administrative and technical approval up to the limits prescribed.
    •  He can sanction estimates for ordinary and special repairs within the limit of budget allotments up to the limit prescribed.
    •  Issue of various certificates such as Distance Certificate, Cinema Hall inspection and their certification and Certifying Public related structures such as temple car etc.
  • Technical: In all technical matters to assist the Executive Engineer.

Administration:- 1)In all administrative matters.

2) Smooth functioning of office in coordination with the Divisional Accounts Officer (DAO)

3) To act as Drawing and disbursing officer (DDO) to draw the employees salaries on delegation of powers from respective Executive Engineer (R&B).

4) Furnishing information on Right to Inforation Act,2005 and to act as public information Officer (PIO) and Public Relation Officer (PRO) to the division.

3) Quality Control:- All aspects relating to quality control.

4) Meeting:- Attending to all meetings on behalf of Executive Engineer (R&B) as assigned by the Executive Engineer/R&B.

5) Miscellaneous:- Any official work assigned by the Executive Engineer (R&B).

  1. c) DEPUTY EXECUTIVE ENGINEER  The Deputy Executive Engineer (R&B) who is in-charge of Sub Division assigned to him by the Executive Engineer (R&B).•  The Deputy Executive Engineer is responsible that proper measures are taken to preserve all the Government Buildings and works under his control and he should prevent encroachment on Government lands in his charge.•  Deputy Executive Engineer is responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the measurements check-measured by him of the works under his control and he should not allow false measurements and should safe-guard the interests of Government.•  The Deputy Executive Engineer (along with Assistant Executive Engineer/Assistant Engineer) is responsible for the quality and quantity of work.•  The Deputy Executive Engineer is responsible for proper maintenance of 7F  accounts major and minor.•  The Deputy Executive Engineer has to prepare completion reports of works under his control immediately after the works are completed
    The Assistant Executive Engineer is responsible to the Deputy Executive Engineer and Executive Engineer for the execution and management of all works in his section (Original or Maintenance)•  Assistant Executive Engineer is responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the measurements recorded by him of the works under his control and he should not allow false measurements and should safeguard the interests of government.•  He will be responsible to ensure that the materials allowed to go into the work are as per specifications.•  The Assistant Executive Engineer should necessarily maintain 7F major and minor accounts and other accounts specified, in respect of his section.•  The Assistant Executive Engineer should bring to the notice of the Deputy Executive Engineer and the Executive Engineer questions connected with the foundations and other similar matters. He should always bring to the notice of  higher authorities any unsuitability or technical defect in a design. ( Para 120 – D Code)•  The Assistant Executive Engineer is responsible that the terms of contract are strictly enforced and that no act is done tending to nullify or vitiate a contract. (Para 153 – D Code) 7) The Assistant Executive Engineer should not start any work on land which has not been duly made over by the responsible civil officers except in case of emergent work such as repair of breaches etc. (Para 180 – D Code)•  The Assistant Executive Engineer should not allow vacant Government residential buildings to be used as rest-houses without the permission of the Executive Engineer. ( Para 281 – D Code)•  The Assistant Executive Engineer should see that proper accounts are maintained for all Government financial transactions , and returns relating to them. (Article 5 – A.P.F.C.)•  The Assistant Executive Engineer is responsible for the stores belonging to his section as well as the stores, tools and plant and materials at site of any works, which are under his direct charge. (Para 304 – D Code)•  The Assistant Executive Engineer is responsible for the safe custody of imprest money and he must, at all times, be ready to produce the total amount of the imprest in vouchers or in cash. (Para 171 – A.P.P.W.A. Code)ASSISTANT ENGINEERSame as Assistant Executive Engineer.

Control of Expenditure
: ( Para 91 of APPW ‘A’ Code)

Inspection of Sub Divisional offices:   D.A.O.(W) will be responsible as far as possible, for personally explaining the defects of procedure and imparting necessary instructions thereon to the Sub Divisional officer and their staff. ( Para 92 of APPW ‘A’ Code)

Checking Of Computed Tenders ( Para 93): The D.A.O. (W) is responsible for the arrangement for checking the computed tenders i.e. for seeing that satisfactory and efficient arrangements are made for checking.

Bringing the irregular transactions to the notice of the Executive Engineer
The D.A.O.(W) is responsible for bringing prominently to the notice of the Divisional officer (Executive Engineer) at least once a month all irregular transactions on which action has not already been taken.(Para 100(2) of A.P.P.W. ‘A’ Code.)

Review of Measurement Books: The review is in addition to the review conducted on the running accounts etc. ( Para 296 of A.P.P.W. ‘A’ Code)

Scrutiny of Accounts : The D.A.O.(W) should examine the accounts returns of the Sub Divisional officers (Para 539 of APPW ‘A’ Code) He should exercise a similar check on the transactions recorded in the Divisional cash and Stock accounts. ( Para 540 of A.P.P.W. ‘A’ Code)

Arithmetical Accuracy of entries in the M.Books: The arithmetical accuracy of the entries in the M. Books relating to bills sent for preaudit should be checked cent percent in the divisional office under the supervision of the D.A.O.(w) though not personally by himself. ( Para 540 – APPW ‘A’ Code)

Custody of Original Agreements : The original of agreements concluded by the Executive Engineer or by the higher authorities and all original tenders, confidential correspondence etc. shall be in the personal custody of the D.A.O.(W) {Para 158 of APPW’D’ Code}  


1.Executive Engineer :

The Executive unit of the Department is Division. The Executive Engineer is responsible to the Superintending Engineer for execution and management of all works within his Division (i.e. Nelakondapally,Kusumanchi,Tirumalayapalem, Khammam(R), Khammam(U), Raghunadapalem, Konijerla, Wyra, Enkoor, Chinthakani, Bonakal, Mudigonda, Kamepalli, Karepalli, Madhira, and Yerrupalem Mandals). He is responsible for Administrative control over his Division and to inspect important works and check measures at random and execution done is as per standard specification any defective execution he will be held responsible. He is responsible for inspection of pre-monsoon and post-monsoon bridges / culverts / cause ways and buildings and provide relief operation and restoration of traffic during Natural Calamities. The Executive Engineer is prohibited from commencing any work or expending any public funds without the sanction of competent authority and making any major deviations from sanctioned designs and submit the closed works accounts and completion reports. The performance of the Executive Engineer will be assessed by the Superintending Engineer based on the physical and financial targets and achievements and CR’s written. He is ex-officio public relation officer to interface with public and liaison with the other departments and providing security arrangements for visiting of VIPs. He issues Distance Certificates, Cinema Hall Fitness Certificates, Rental Certificates, Fitness for Public Related Structures.

2.Dy. Executive Engineer:

A Division is divided into Sub-Division. The Sub-Division is headed by the Dy. Executive Engineer and he is responsible to the Executive Engineer for management and execution of works within the Sub-Division. No Sub-Division can be constituted without sanction of the State Government. The Dy. Executive Engineer is responsible for supervising the works, quality and quantity wise, check-measuring and scrutinising bills confirming to agreement conditions and specification. The performance of the Dy. Executive Engineer is assessed by the Executive Engineer depending on out-turn physical and financial targets and achievements. The Dy. Executive Engineer has to report monthly abstract of stock receipts and stock issues, monthly accounts, half yearly balance return of stocks, progress reports on works, etc. The Dy. Executive Engineer is responsible for inspection of pre-monsoon and post-monsoon bridges / culverts / cause ways / buildings and look after relief operation during Natural Calamities. He has the general control over Assistant Executive Engineers / Assistant Engineers and other sub-ordinate staff working in Sub-Division and making payments of staff and work-charged establishment.

3.Assistant Executive Engineer / Assistant Engineer :

The Sub-Division is divided into Section. The Sections are headed by the Assistant Executive Engineer / Assistant Engineer. The Assistant Executive Engineer / Assistant Engineer is an initial unit officer and is responsible to the Dy. Executive Engineer for management and execution of work within the section. He should be conversant with all rules and regulations and discharge his duty efficiently and develop tact in dealing with the general public members of other department, his own sub-ordinals and superiors and the contractors and labours employed on works and posses a genial temper, considerable patience and a spirit of good will, a high sense of duty exemplary character and conduct for good and efficient service to the public. The section officer in entrusted with the preparation of surveys, plans and estimates, execution of new works, maintenance of Roads and Buildings works, preparation of bills for work done, FNPRS, maintenance of accounts connected with the works, maintenance of registers, submission of returns, enquiries into complaints by ryots, contractors and sub-ordinate staff and he should be well conversant with A.P.D.S.S and M.O.S.T. specification P.D.W codes and accounts codes, SSR and data statements, and A.P. civil services conduct rules, manual of pay and allowances and district office manual. The performance of the Assistant Executive Engineer / Assistant Engineer is assessed by the Dy. Executive Engineer concerned depending on the out-turn physical and financial targets and achievements and CR’s written. The Assistant Executive Engineer / Assistant Engineer is responsible and prevent encroachment on Government Roads and Buildings and loss of property and materials. The Assistant Executive Engineer / Assistant Engineer should take care to ensure the safety and convenience of the public during execution of work and ensure to interfere as little as possible with traffic. The Assistant Executive Engineer / Assistant Engineer has to inspect annually public buildings and record inspection notes and report to the higher officers. For any serious accident he should report the information to proper civil authorities.


Procedure, followed by R&B Engineers in Decision making is governed by AP PWD code, AP Financial code and AP Accounts code. It depends upon the type of activity and the decision to be taken by a particular cadre of Engineer, concerned.

Decision making of R&B Engineers involves various activities of (a) Administrative Sanction of the works (b) Technical Sanction of works (c) Fixing the executing Agency / Contractor (d) Execution of the work (e) Payment of the bills (f) Transfers and other personal management.

a) Administrative Sanction of the works :- AEE ( Assistant Executive Engineer) prepares the proposals or a report based on the representations, received from the public / public representatives and field requirements. It reaches the Superintending Engineer through the  DEE (Dy. Executive Engineer), EE (Executive Engineer) with their specific remarks. Depending up on availability of funds and priority of the work, SE takes decision whether to sanction / recommend it to E-in-C/CE concerned  for Administrative Sanction or not. Administrative Sanction for ordinary repairs is generally accorded at EE level, Special Repairs (SR),and emergency repairs at CE Level. Administrative Sanction for Capital works is given by Government.  

b) Technical Sanction to the Estimates :- Decision making of the Engineers starts at the time of conducting preliminary survey for a particular project. In deciding the alignment of a new formation / New Bridge construction, taking various factors of its utility and cost, the preliminary proposal goes from AEE /AE to higher authorities through SE  and CE / E-in-C finalises it. Decision making involves in fixing the specification for a particular work based on road condition and finalizing the estimate within the sanctioned amount and with in the powers, delegated to them i.e., EE up to Rs.10Lakhs, SE above Rs.10Lakhs and up to Rs.50Lakhs

c) Fixing of the Agency / Entrustment of Contractor : ‘e’ Procurement method is being used to entrust the work to a contractor. For fixing the agency to a work, costing more than Rs.50.00 lakhs, there are two stages of ‘e’ Procurement. At technical bid level the technical eligibility is decided based on pre-determined criteria. At second level, price bids of all eligible contractors / agencies will be opened and lowest price quoted bid will be selected, provided they satisfy all terms and conditions. For fixing the Agency to the works, costing more than Rs.10.00 lakhs and upto 50.00 lakhs, there is no technical bid stage . Price bids of all the contractor will be open and lowest price quoted bid will be selected. For the works, costing less than Rs.10.00 lakhs there is no necessity going for ‘e’ procurement. The Agency is fixed issuing tender notice in news paper. The following officers have entrustment powers:
1) EE up to Rs. 10Lakhs.

The maximum limit of tender premium accessible is 5% over tender contract value.

The E.E has powers to entrust the urgent works on nomination basis also calling for quotations. The powers of entrustment of such works for E.E. is up to Rs.1.00 lakh Government gives special permission increasing the above limits for entrusting the emergent works in Natural calamities such as Floods, Earth Quakes etc. The officers shall take decision in such a way that the restoration of the traffic is made within short time and within minimum expenditure.
d) Executing the Works
: During the execution, some deviations arise as against the items of the works / specifications entrusted to the contractor. The EE  takes decision and approves the working estimate keeping cost and quality of the road based on the reports of AEE/AE / DEE within the powers delegated i.e., EE up to 5%. However in all the above cases the deviations are to be approved by the officer by whom Technical Sanction is accorded. If the excess financial commitment is more than their limit they recommend to the higher authority for approval. EE takes decision to terminate the work as per the existing rules, if any contractor stops the work without valid reasons and informs the higher authorities. SE / CE takes decision to accept / ratify EE’s action keeping the history of the contractor , value of the work completed, payments made to the contractor etc in view.

e) Payment of Bills : EE is the authority for finalizing the bills for all the works in progress and works completed . He takes decision on the payments depending upon priority of the work, availability of funds and as per terms and conditions of agreement and makes a request to CE for Letter of Credit. In turn CE takes a decision on the distribution of the available funds through LOC to the various works depending upon priority and keeping the completion of the work in view.

f) Personal Management : EE has powers to transfer Workcharged staff within his division subject to guidelines and procedure issued by Government from time to time.

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