




MOBILE NUMBER               :    8008357744



Vision :

“Promoting and strengthening member owned, member managed, self-reliant and financially sustainable institutions of the poor and the poorest in all the villages of the state for enhancing the quality of life of the members and securing sustainable livelihoods.”

CBO Structure :

Zilla Samakhya     ⇐    Mandala Samakhya       ⇐      Village Organizations       ⇐       Self Help Groups

Zilla Samakhya : (1 per District)

Zilla Samakhya is a federation of Mandala Samakhyas (MSs) and takes up activities that are beyond the scope of a MS. It has similar organizational structure like MS. The ZS manages the insurance call center. Every ZS has its staff viz., ZS manager, Accountant, Computer Operator and call center staff.

Mandala Samakhya (MS) : One per mandal – (20 Mandala Samakhyas)

VOs federate at the Mandal level to form a Mandal Samakhya (MS). The three or five Office Bearers from each VO form the general body of a MS. The MS Executive Committee comprises of Presidents of all member VOs and they in turn select their five office bearers to manage the functioning of a MS. The MS will conduct its EC meeting twice in a month and the general body meeting at least once in six months. Similar to VO, every MS has six functional committees and the staff viz., Accountant and Computer Operator etc.

Village Organizations (VO) : (984 VOs)

The second tier of Institution Building is the federation of SHGs either at Village/cluster of village’s level. The VO operates as a forum to voice the problems of the poor in the village and raises resources required to take up the appropriate development interventions in poverty reduction. The general body of VO comprises of all SHG members in the VO operational area and the Executive committee (EC) comprises of the first leaders of the member SHGs. The VO will have 3 to 5 office bearers for carrying out the day-today functions and representing the VO in various forums/institutions.

The VO will conduct its EC meeting at least once in a month and the general body meeting at least once in three months. The functional committees derived from VO EC viz., POP & SHG monitoring committee, CIF & Audit committee, Bank-linkages & Insurance committee, land, CMSA, Dairy and collective marketing committee, jobs & non-farm activities committee and social development issues committee will ensure the effective implementation of various services rendered by VOs. Based on the scale of operations every VO appoints its own VO Bookkeeper, Community activist and para-professionals.

Self Help Groups (SHGs) : ( 25175 SHGS  & 256262 SHG Members)

SHGs are small homogenous groups. 10 to 20 members from similar socio-economic conditions come together and form a group on the basis of self-selection process at the village level. The SHGs would conduct either weekly or fortnightly or monthly meetings on a scheduled day, time and place. The members save either on weekly or fortnightly or monthly basis in the SHGs and disburse need-based loans to members from their savings amounts. The SHGs access external loans either from Commercial banks or VOs when there is a deficit of funds for financing Micro Credit Plans of members. Each SHG elect/select two or three office bearers who’s primarily responsibilities include facilitation of various activities at group level, representing the group in different forums and signing on the cheques. The group’s capacity is also built and facilitated, so that they have their own bookkeeper to write the books of accounts of the group. The self-paid bookkeeper is an important prerequisite to the sustainability of the group in long run. Apart from financial activities, SHGs would also identify various social issues viz., dowry, untouchability, child labour etc and discuss in their regular meetings. With support of Village Organization, the SHGs will take active role in dealing social issues and community development activities.


” 80% the SHGs will be brought to A grade and 95% Poorest Of the poor would be brought into SHG fold by 2015 via actively pursuing the Institution Building strategies aimed at increasing inclusiveness leveraging on technological interventions that bring in transparency. “


Promotion and strengthening of self-managed and financially sustainable community based organizations that are owned and controlled by poorest of the poor and poor providing a wide range of micro-finance products and social developmental services to members on a timely basis for securing sustainable livelihoods  improving quality of life of poorest of the poor and poor Ensuring timely provision of technical services to the members by developing social capital.


 The broad vision of the program is to enable the poor households in accessing adequate formal credit at their doorsteps through their membership in SHGs.

The objective of the program:

  1. Consumption smoothening or even servicing previous high cost debts
  2. Support existing livelihoods
  3. Finally, to implement Microcredit Plan (MCP), when households reach a stage where they can assume a higher degree of risk.

The SHG movement in the Telangana started in 1998, built on the principles of thrift, self-help and internal lending. The credit worthiness of these groups, which are otherwise unbanked, having no collaterals, have been built on their group discipline, repayment culture and accumulated corpus funds; and this resulted in SHG Bank linkage programme, under which, SHGs are being provided with credit by service area banks as per Micro Credit Plans of SHGs.

 Year wise Bank Linkage Progress from 2018-19 to 2021-22. Target Vs Achievement.

  1. During the year 2018-19 Target SHGs – 19650, Amount – Rs.380.33 crores, Achieved Rs. 367.65 crores distributed  to 7,665 No. Of SHGs.

2          During the year 2019-20 Target SHGs – 21068, Amount – Rs.432.98 crores, Achieved  Rs. 464.18 crores distributed to 12,716 No. Of SHGs.

3          During the year 2020-21 Target SHGs – 18276, Amount – Rs.652.24 crores, Achieved  Rs. 630.40 crores distributed to 5,062 No. Of SHGs.

4          During the year 2021-22 Target SHGs – 22390, Amount – Rs.755.53 crores, Achieved  Rs. 119.11 crores distributed to 3,246 No. Of SHGs.


  • The disadvantaged communities shall be empowered to overcome all social, economic,

cultural and psychological barriers through self-managed organizations.

  • They will attain higher productivity with improved skills and asset base and utilize resources

to full potential and gainful access to services.

  • Our missions is to enable the disadvantaged communities perceive possibilities for change

and bring about desired change by exercising informed choices through collective action.


No. of FPGs No. of Members No. of FPGs Seed Fund received Amount Sanctioned
432 6769 61 17,75,000/-


  • The main objective of this programme is to Strengthen the FPG members financially to

provide the Agriculture Equipments in the minimum rental basis for their Agriculture


  • In Khammam District, 5 CHCs(Singareni, Raghunadhapalem, Kusumanchi, Bonakal and Venmoor) sanctioned and Successfully Running.
Target Achievement Mandal Village
5 5 Singareni Viswanadhapalli
Raghunadhapalem Raghuanadhapalem
Kusumanchi Kusumanchi
Bonakal Janakipuram
Vemsoor Vemsoor


  • Last Year i.e., 2020 through Sirivennela FPO-DRDA khammam, 90 Tonnes of different variety mango procured from PENUBALI and VEMSUR Mandals. For 2021 season production plan submitted and started procurement from 07-03-2021.
  • In this season till today, 108 MTs with the value of 32.00 lakhs is procured.
F.Y No. of  Farmers Procured Qty Amount Mandals covered
2020-21 56 90 MTs 28  Lakhs Penuballi and Vemsoor
2021-22 66 108 MTs 32.00 Lakhs Thallada and Penuballi

Pradhan Manthri Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprises (PMFME) :

No.of Food Processing Enterprises identified No.of DPRs Prepared No.of Units approved by DLC and Loan under process at Bank
337 38 17

 WE HUB (Women Entrepreneurs) :

  • 5 SHG Entrepreneurs Selected for WE HUB and DPR Prepared for Loan Sanctioning and Submitted to Banks for loan process.
No.of Entrepreneurs Selected No.of DPRs Prepared Remarks
5 5 DPR Submitted to Banks and loan under process


  1. LPG Details:
No.of Livestock Producer Groups(LPGs) in the District No.of LPG Members No.of Mandals Covered
87 1498 18

Total (87) LPGs approved by SERP and sanctioned Seed fund to (69) LPGs @25000/- per group in 1st installment in F.Y.2018 & in 2nd installment(27) LPGs approved by SERP and sanctioned seed fund @50000/- per group in F.Y2019-20.

  • of LPGs Seed Fund Sanctioned : 69
  • Amount Sanctioned :  Rs.24,00,000/-
  • Back yard poulty (Grama priya) Mother Units.
  • Breeding Ram rearing Units
  • Ram Lambs Units.
  1. PASHUMITHRA DETAILS: Pashumithras trained and working at village level to service the Animals, First Aid and Vaccinations.
  • 86 Pashumitras identified and now 40 Pashumitras working at present.


No.of LPGs in the District No.of Members No.of mandals Covered Seed fund Sanctioned LPGs Amount No.of Pashumithras Working
87 1498 18 69 24,00,000/- 40


  • Chilli Processing Unit:
  • Chilli Processing Unit identified under One District One Product(ODOP), Proposed to Establish at Raghunadhapalem Village of Raghunadhapalem Mandal.
  • Detailed Project Report(DPR) prepared for Rs.2.05 Crores under Processing.
  • To Establish this programme Required 1.5 Acres land.
  • Under Food Processing 10% of actual production of Chilli targeted for processing like this De-Stemming of Chillies, Chilli powder, Chilly flakes, Pickles and Solar drying of Chillies.
  • Pulses Unit(Red Gram, Black Gram & Green Gram) identified and Proposed to Establish at Kusumanchi Mandal.
  • Detailed Project Report(DPR) prepared for Rs.14 Lakhs.
  • Required ½ Acre land to Establish this programme.
Unit Name Proposed Mandal DPR Prepared Amount
Chilli Processing Unit Raghunadapalem 2.05 Crores
Pulses Kusumanchi 14 Lakhs


  Dwitiya (2nd SHG Meetings):

1st module in (10) Mandals (Mudigonda, Khammam Rural, Sathupalli, Penuballi, Singareni, Thallada, Madhira, Kamepalli, Bonakal and Enkoor)for creating awareness on Health and Nutrition completed. 2nd module on 1000 days plan, Personal hygiene, Sanitation and Solid Waste Management is  completed , 2nd SHG trainings  are conducting from 15 th to 30th of every  month.

In remaining (10) mandals , training programme on Volume 1 module has been completed and the 2nd SHG trainings will be conducted by VOAs from this 15th onwards.


in (81) Antyodaya G.Ps of Khammam dist , SERP has introduced 20 gunta Model Vegetable Cultivation through Organic Farming objecting on better livelihoods and promoting health in Rural areas. For this 2 farmers from SHG women of these GPs are giving Training , supporting financially through CIF and encouraging the Organic farming. 1st phase training for VOAs and CCs has been completed by CSA at Khammama. 2nd phase for beneficiaries and CCs, APMs has been going to be conducted from 11th onwards. 26,000/- CIF has been released to Mandals.

Gender :

Identification and trainings to Mandal Social Action Committee Members completed , Village level Trainings and  Establishment of Family Counseling Centres at MS and ZS is under process


Raising of Social Development Fund (SDF)@Rs.2/- per month.

Neighbourhood centre:

Running Neighbourhood centre for Mentally retorted Children at Nelakondapalli Mandal of Nelakondapalli Village, Kusumanchi Mandal of Kusumanchi Village and Thirumalayapalem Mandal of Berole Village with 15 children and Manopragathi parents meeting will be conducted every 4th and 18th , where professionals will come give advises to parents in improving health of mentally retarded children.


In Khammam District there are 984 Village Organizations are functioning in 20 Mandals.  Among 984 Village Organizations 25173 number of Self Help Groups were formed.  The Self Help Groups are getting loans from Village Organizations, Mandal Mahila Samkhyas, Stree Nidhi, Bank Linkage and Internal earning.  The Mandal wise V.Os and SHGs details are as follows.

Sl.No Name of the Mandal No.of VOs No. of SHGs No. of Members
1 20 984 23806 256101

The SERP., has decided to create 3 to 5 model enterprises per Village Organization (VO) through rural Women SHGs.  All the trading servicing and manufacturing related activities will be covered under non-farm sector where as processing activity of farm produce will be under the Farm and Food Processing Sector.  Further it is to inform that, we are having 984 VOs among Khammam District 3644 and new enterprises were identified @ 3 to 4 per each Village Organization.

Abstract :

Sl.No Total No. of Mandals No.of Enterprises No.of Loan Sanctioned Filled No.of Loan Sanctioned to be Filled No.of Assets Grounded No.of Assets to be Grounded
Identified Moved to Implementation Stage Pending
1 20 3290 3163 127 763 2400 695 68


 In Khammam District Paddy crop has been cultivated during Rabi 2020-2021 in an extent of 2.03 Lakhs Acre with an expected yield of 504 Lakhs MTs.    In view of the marketing problem in order to get MSP to farmers the Telangana State Government has focused on procurement of Paddy through Self Help Groups of District Rural Development Agency.  The Government has fixed MSP Rs.1888/- for “A” Grade Paddy and Rs.1868/- for Common Grade Paddy.

As per the instructions of the District Collector & Chairman, DRDA, Khammam, we have opened 71 Paddy Procurement Centers in 15 Mandals during Rabi 2020-2021.  So far we have started Paddy Procurement in 67 Centers through SHG’s by formation of committee with Village Committee Members.

Sl.No Name of the District Season/Year No. of PPCs Farmers No. of Quintals Procured Commission Earned Commission Received Commission to be Received
1 Khammam Kharif             2019-20 26 2789 303537.60 9570000.00 9570000.00 0
2 Rabi             2019-20 68 11432 664588.40 20149287.00 20149287.00 0
3 Kharif                  2020-21 68 8179 507384.00 16111678.00 0.00 16111678.00
4 Rabi               2020-21 67 11284 784694.40 1363101904.00 0.00 1363101904.00
Total ==> 229 33684 2260204.40 45830965.00 29719287.00 1379213582.00

EGMM-DDU-GKY (Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana)

Vision DDU GKY Skill Development Training Program:

Transform rural poor youth into an economically independent and globally relevant workforce.

Objective of EGMM:

The objective of EGMM (Employment Generation and Marketing Mission) is to coordinate the efforts of Employment initiatives in Rural Areas in the state of Telangana. Egmm is implementing Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) Program launched by Government of India to build job specific skills among the unemployed youth and place them in appropriate Jobs.

The Egmm is conducting two programs in the state of Telangana :

  1. Skill Development Training and Placement Program: EWRC (English Work Readiness & Computers) every month either on 1st or 16th the batch will be commenced) During the training free food and accommodation and one pair uniforms will be provided and after training If candidate worked for 3 months after placement support money of 3000/- rupees will be paid to their individual accounts i.e., per month 1000/-.
DDU GKY – EGMM – Abstract Report of EWRC Trained & Placed youth Details
S. No No.Of Batches Completed from F.Y: 2014-15 to 2021-22 No.of Youth Trained No.of Youth Placed Not placed due to COVID-19 No.of Youth dropped from placement
1 25 621 521 21 79

   2. Direct Placement Program: Every month 2 or 3 regular job melas will be conducted for providing placements to unemployed youth.

EGMM – Abstract of Direct placements(Job Melas)
S. No Financial Years No.of Jobmelas conducted Total no.of candidates Attended No.of candidates selected No.of candidates Joined Remarks
1 2015-16 to 2020-21 100 7740 2310 1360


StreeNidhi credit cooperative Federation Ltd., is promoted by the Government and establish in Sept 2011. StreeNidhi provides timely and affordable credit to the poor SHG member up to Rs.40,000 to 3,00,000 with the rate of interest 11% p.a and loan will be disbursed within 48 Hours.

Year wise Streenidhi Loan Progress from 2018-19 to 2021-22. Target Vs Achievement.

  • Financial Year 2018-19 Loan Disbursement: Target – 109.58, Achievement – 110.2 cr.
  • Financial Year 2019-20 Loan Disbursement: Target – 133.06, Achievement – 97.43 cr.
  • Financial Year 2020-21 Loan Disbursement: Target 122.94, Achievement – 113.19 cr.
  • Financial Year 2021-22 Loan Disbursement : Target 146.39, Achievement – 1.34 cr. (Present Year)


The new social safety net scheme proposed by the Government shall be called Aasara Pension Scheme and shall be effective from 1 October 2014.

Pension Amount Government hereby fixes the pension amount per month for the following categories of pensioners as detailed below.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Old Age: More than 65 years of age Only. one OAP in one household.
  • Widow: Age 18 years and above, Death certificate of her husband, Every year updation on remarriage for young widow (upto 45 years).
  • Disability pension: (Persons with disabilities): Irrespective of age, More than 40% Disability (OH, MR,MI and VI), (Burn cases and Heart Surgery cases are Ortho), More than 51% Disability (VI).
  • Toddy Tappers: Age 50 years and above. Must be a Registered member in the Co-operative Society of Toddy Tappers.
  • Weavers : More than 50 Years of age. Must be a member in Weavers Society.
  • FA to Beedi Worker : workers shall be 18 years above. The beneficiary should have been recorded as a Beedi worker under the Samagra Kutumba Survey 2014.
  • FA to Signle Women : The single women are referred to married women of at least 18 years of age who is separated from her husband. The separation period should be at least one year. Unmarried women whose age is above 30 years in rural areas and 35 years in urban areas are also eligible to avail the benefits of single women pension scheme.
  • Pension to persons with HIV Aids :: Who are undergoing Anti Retroviral Therapy.
  • Filariasis: Grade II, Grade III categories are eligible for Pension. This pension sanctioned by DM&HO.

Aasara Pensions Disbursement for the month of June 2021

Sl. No Pension Particulars Pension Details
Total Pensions Amount in Lakhs
1 Oldage                        (2016) 54131 1092.02
2 Widow                       (2016) 63848 1287.90
3 Disabled                    (3016) 25494 765.79
4 Toddy Tappers           (2016) 3074 62.05
5 Weavers                    (2016) 448 9.03
6 Financial Assistance

to Beedi Workers      (2016)

1 0.02
7 Financial Assistance

to Single Women      (2016)

7964 160.57
Total   è 1,54,960 3377.39
8 Persons with HIV

AIDS                          (2016)

2458 49.55
9 Filaria                            (2016) 1238 24.95
Grand Total è 1,58,656 3451.91

Aasara Pension Category Wise Physical and Financial Report for Month of June

S No Mandal Name Total Pensions Total Amount in Rs. PENSIONS CATEGORY WISE BREAKUP
OAP Widow Disabled Toddy Tappers Weaver FA to Single Women FA to Beedi Worker HIV Pensions Filaria Pensions
1 BONAKAL 6535 14288736 2642 1958 1097 502 37 299 0 0 0
2 CHINTHAKANI 5909 12833704 1957 2274 904 240 35 376 0 0 123
3 ENKURU 3666 7914640 1180 1746 527 0 0 202 0 0 11
4 KALLUR 7321 15827088 2847 2851 1077 146 0 396 0 0 4
5 KAMEPALLE 4874 10708048 1753 1980 873 0 0 220 0 0 48
6 KHAMMAM (RURAL) 9887 21852064 3034 3884 1944 249 82 531 0 0 163
7 KONIJERLA 6137 13368128 2157 2402 1008 185 68 291 0 0 26
8 KUSUMANCHI 7943 17449008 2637 3111 1456 267 3 308 0 0 161
9 MADHIRA 5202 11285216 1931 2100 801 40 27 250 0 0 53
10 MUDIGONDA 8229 18055600 2783 3131 1478 394 25 359 1 1 58
11 NELAKONDAPALLE 7548 16521656 2375 3103 1326 128 39 482 0 0 95
12 PENUBALLI 6370 13752888 2521 2655 917 76 2 199 0 0 0
13 RAGHUNADHAPALEM 6494 14165808 2237 2712 1092 121 15 312 0 0 5
14 SATHUPALLE 4759 10230496 1766 2002 595 67 7 318 0 0 4
15 SINGARENI 5989 13016808 2163 2526 946 22 1 295 0 0 36
16 TALLADA 5890 12850192 2199 2330 985 41 0 335 0 0 0
17 THIRUMALAYAPALEM 8466 18452344 3361 2851 1406 182 16 329 0 0 321
18 VEMSOOR 5128 11018016 1941 2077 686 191 24 207 0 0 2
19 WYRA 4247 9319920 1530 1590 764 116 1 233 0 0 13
20 YERRUPALEM 5464 11729648 2047 2292 688 37 30 366 0 0 4
21 KHAMMAM (MUN) 24367 52692392 6489 10469 3659 44 15 1126 0 2458 107
22 MADHIRA(MUN) 2762 5998192 886 1245 430 7 13 177 0 0 4
23 SATTUPALLE(MUN) 2378 5136048 734 1120 342 0 6 176 0 0 0
24 WYRA (MUN) 3091 6724456 961 1439 493 19 2 177 0 0 0
Total 158656 345191096 54131 63848 25494 3074 448 7964 2458 2458 1238